I has made a zine ! Last month in Turnhout at the Creativity Festival I made a zine in one day at Topo Copy, an open-lab research center for print, zines, paper, copy, ink and art. And it's out now ! Mail me if you want one !
I made a comic that very briefly tells the story of "Nello & Patrasche, A dog of Flanders". A supersad tale about a boy and his dog that is popular with mostly Asian tourists, but not here. To appear in "This is Antwerp", a funky magazine for tourists visiting Antwerp.
I did 3 animated clips for a Unicef ad that show some alternative helping methods by a fake toy company, for poor kids in Africa. Go to 1:20 in the video below to click on all three options.
and here's the logo and some stills. Drawn digitally and in a more childish colorful style, fitting the theme of a toy company.